West Palm Beach

Friday, August 16th 2024
Nearly five years after the opening of SMC Madison, we’re thrilled to announce our upcoming second location: West Palm Beach, FL.

The creators of the NoRa district on the north end of town have carefully curated an amazing portfolio of food & beverage, hospitality, wellness and retail to go into the historic strip of warehouses that are being carefully restored, and we’re honored to be a part of this new chapter for WPB. (Proud moment…they said no to 37 different cafes that applied for the space, before we all crossed paths).

First quarter of 2025 is what we’re heading toward for Grand Opening, and we’ll of course keep you up to date on this.

To all of you we’ve met over the past 5 years, who have helped us in the myriad of ways, and with whom we’ve grown close to, THANK YOU. A cafe is nothing without its community, and I’d put y’all up against any out there.

Onward and upward. Stay tuned. Much love. 🏁
Nick, Renee, Penrose & Team.
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